Chiropractic Blogs

Asthama Treatment in Redding

 31 Million Americans suffer from Low Back Pain! Greater than 1 Million Americans have back surgery yearly! Twice as much as any other country! The Medical Doctors treat injuries with pain pill, maybe physical therapy and then injections from Pain Management which are not even FDA approved. When these don't work, the injured is sent to a surgeon where more than half end up having surgery!

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Asthama Treatment in Redding

 Asthma, according to some recent estimates, affects more than 300 million people worldwide and 22 million people in the United States. It does affect those of all ages and mostly begins in childhood. Some possible factors linked to Asthma are allergies, environmental (pollution) and tobacco smoke. Asthma, in spite of all the research, the exact cause(s) may still be unknown. What is a definite is that asthma is characterized by a set of symptoms.

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Tennis Elbow Treatment in Redding

 Do you have pain in your arm, even when you don’t go to the gym? Does your elbow hurt even if you don’t play tennis? Even when you rest do these pains stay with you?
This condition is common in people who play racquet sports and you may even be living a lifestyle that worsens this condition, even if you don’t play these sports. Many people think that tennis elbow is just for those who play tennis. Not so. Since more people are doing desk jobs, especially computer work, or any task that requires repetitive strain; tiny tears in your tendon can be created, causing pain, are more common than you might think.

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Upper Back Pain Relief in Redding

 “My neck is hurting again!?” Do you ever find yourself thinking this? Did you know that neck pain often comes from tension in the upper shoulders? Unlike our cars, our bodies are an interconnected network of physiological processes. One area does effect another.
When you have tension in your upper back, it can sometimes cut off necessary blood and nerve supply to your head and neck. And, as we know, a steady, free-flowing supply of oxygen, carried by our blood supply is necessary for clear thinking. Our brains are the command and control center of our bodies, needed that immediate feedback loop to stay open.

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Neck and Shoulder Pain Treatment in Redding

 How often do you feel pain when you turn your neck? Do you even feel pain in your shoulders? Becoming even more common is the stress generated by desk and computer work. Let’s face it, that’s our modern culture. It’s inspiring we can touch the world by a keyboard. What isn’t inspiriting is when pain interferes with your daily life. How often does this happen to you? Neck and shoulder pain are very common in our modern world. This is where we hold our tension. Let’s do a little test to see how you hold your tension? Focus on your neck and upper shoulder area? Close your eyes, if even for a few seconds, and feel that area. Are your muscles are tight or relaxed?

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  • What is Chiropractic ?

 "Chiropractic is a health care discipline which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery. The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the preservation and restoration of health."

- Association of Chiropractic Colleges

  • Allergies
Allergy Treatment in Redding

 Chiropractic can help reduce the severity and the frequency of your allergies. Chiropractic does not work like an anti-histamine as a direct, short term relief from allergies. Chiropractic allows your body to be better equipped to fight against allergies.

When your spine is misaligned it can impinge on the nervous system in your body. Studies have shown that the nervous system has an effect on the functionality of your immune system.

When your nervous system is under stress and not functioning properly, your immune system cannot work at an optimal level. Chiropractors work with the nervous system by aligning the spine to relieve any stress on nerves. This allows the immune system to work at a higher level, making it easier to fight off infections while recognizing allergens. When your immune system recognizes allergens, it will not overreact to them, or at least not react as severely to them.
If you suffer from allergies, chiropractic can help you find relief. Schedule an appointment today.

  • Whiplash
Auto-Injury & Whiplash Treatment in Redding

 Whiplash is a common injury for people involved in car collisions. When a car is struck from behind or collides with another object, it causes the neck to snap back and forth violently. This causes the muscles and ligaments to overextend, leading to strains and/or tears. This is referred to as soft tissue damage, and can cause stiffness and soreness. Whiplash can also cause structural damage such as misaligned vertebrae, herniated, bulging or ruptured discs, or nerve damage due to the overextension from the violent movement.

Chiropractic can help with both types of injuries. Adjustments and alignments can be performed specifically for those who have been in car accidents and suffered from whiplash. The pressure on the discs and nerves is released when the spine is returned to its proper alignment. Chiropractic massage can be used to help relieve the pain and discomfort from soft tissue injuries. If you have been in a car accident, schedule an appointment with us before relying on pain medications and surgery.

  • Chronic stress and the chiropractic approach
Comprehensive Chiropractic Care in Redding

 It is true that chiropractic approach can help people cope with chronic stress. Chronic stress occurs when stress levels do not go down as they are meant to. Our bodies are hardwired to confront anxious or stressful situations by increasing our stress levels and hormones and then return to a normal state. This function happens in every person and is what has kept our species alive. Chiropractors have a very unique approach to helping the body relieve itself from chronic stress.

The vertebral subluxation complex is a very serious condition in which pressure is put on the nerves in the spinal column and causes irritation. For people who suffer from chronic stress, they are never able to fully relax. This means they are much more susceptible to fatigue, lower immune system, and disease. When a doctor of chiropractic locates and corrects the subluxations, not only is stress being removed from the nervous system, but also the entire functioning of the body is improved. These two factors relieve stress from the body directly and indirectly.

Stress Relief in Redding

Have you ever experienced pain or discomfort from stress related activities? Are those little aches and pains turning into fatigue and malaise? Have you experienced sudden pain from lifting something heavy, turning sharply? These two culprits, stress and inflammation have been called the mother of all diseases.

A safe and effective solution is available today. Ancient Egyptian and Chinese cultures discovered the healing benefits of Chiropractic, which have been perfected in America today. This age-old wisdom realized how to best harness the power of the body and internal organs. The simple concept keeps the nervous system free from blockages and lets you experience this ancient technology as a modern fountain of youth.
What can chiropractic do for you?

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Headache & Migraine Relief in Redding

Do you experience throbbing, pounding painful headaches? Does this pain often begin in the back while spreading to one or both eyes? Does this pulsating pain become so intense that it becomes hard to function on a daily basis? Do you suffer from migraine headaches?

If have you have experienced this debilitating pain, you’re like millions of Americans, suffering from this chronic condition. What they don’t know, and you will discover, is that a safe and effective treatment can provide lasting relief.
What can chiropractic do for you?

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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treatment in Redding

“Ouch, not again. I don’t want to have surgery but that’s what my doctor told me I’d have to do. But I can’t deal with the pain anymore. Is there another way?”

Yes, there is. A safe, proven treatment exists.

Have you experienced burning pain, tingling and numbness that radiates from the palm of your hand into your fingers? If so, relief is not only on its way, it’s here and established.

What you may be experiencing is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Symptoms may start gradually and increase with frequency, with the thumb, index and middle fingers the most affected. Your ability to grip is even decreased, which is a scary result of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
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Auto-Injury & Whiplash Treatment in Redding

How often is someone injured in the U.S., from an auto accident?

 A. Every 10 seconds

B. Every 10 minutes

C. Every 20 seconds

D. Every 20 minutes

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Pinched Nerves Treatment in Redding

Do you ever feel longer than normal periods of fatigue ? Do you want more energy? Let’s start with the basics. A nerve is like a wire. A wire is usually made of copper and wrapped in a thermoplastic coating for insulation. A nerve is wrapped in a myelin sheath for insulation. A nerve sends signals (electrochemical) to and from the area sensed to the brain and spinal cord.

The Mayo Clinic defines a pinched nerve as: A pinched nerve can occur at several sites in your body. A herniated disk in your lower spine, for example, may put pressure on a nerve root, causing pain that radiates down the back of your leg (sciatica).

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treatment in Redding

Do you find it hard to concentrate? Do you have periods of prolonged restlessness? Do you know someone who might exhibit these symptoms? ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders of childhood, according the Center for Disease Control, CDC.

ADHD can be common in childhood. According to the Mayo Clinic staff ADHD may not diagnosed until later in life. Some adult symptoms may include unstable relationships, poor work or school performance and low self-esteem.

Let’s take a closer look at how brain functioning may be impaired in a person with ADHD. Did you know your brain is an organ? Sending billions of signals all over your body, your brain uses a combination of electricity and neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters may help or hinder the connection of these signals. Neurotransmitters are brain chemicals that communicate messages throughout our brain and throughout our body.

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Ear Infection Treatment in Redding

According to a New York Times article, “Too many doctors, and parents, rely on antibiotics for ear infections, despite a woeful lack of evidence for their benefits.”

Would it surprise you to discover that Acute Otitis Media “is the most common childhood infection for which antibiotics are prescribed in the United States?”

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

The sciatic nerve comes from nerves called the sacral plexus. These nerves travel to the sacrum and lumbar regions of the body. The sciatic nerve is actually a bundle of two nerves, the tibial and common peroneal nerves. Since the sciatic nerve is the largest and thickest nerve of the human body, it’s no wonder that this structure could be easily impinged.

A bigger wire, so to speak, is easier to get stepped on, than a smaller one. But, in your body, your nerves don’t get stepped on, they get caught in between things. These things in your body, come in the form of muscle, adipose or fat tissue. Other structures may impede but muscle and adipose are the most common.

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

There are many ways to benefit from visiting Dr. Samuel Carrino at Shasta Spine Chiropractor ! You may hear many stories from friends and family members telling you how they have improved their lives through chiropractic care because chiropractic treatment is based on you as an individual. Here at Shasta Spine Chiropractor , we understand how each individual has a different life, causing them to function differently. We understand that different types of pain require different types of adjustments. Here are the top 5 ways you can benefit from chiropractic care with Dr. Samuel Carrino:

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

Replace the coffee and doughnut breakfast for something healthier! Go for a walk after your meal instead of taking a nap! Nutrition and exercise are key to a healthy lifestyle and a long, happy, and joyful life! If you want more ideas to jumpstart your healthy living, keep reading!:

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

Colic is defined as the despaired crying of an infant for a minimum of three hours a day, at least three days a week for at least three weeks. These babies suffering from colic are known to produce loud piercing cries, flexed legs, balled fists, and stiff abdominal tissue. Research shows it can start at three weeks old in the child and can last up to six months. According to doctors, 10-20% of babies suffer from colic

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

The amount of people living longer lives is dramatically increasing! Over 40,000 people last year reached the age of 100 years old. In fact according to recent census projections, by 2050 over one million Americans will be making it to 100 years old! Although good genes do play a considerable role in these statistics, researchers are now starting to believe that chronic illnesses are not a consequence of aging, but often happens more likely from lifestyle choices that we can change! So, the big question: How can we live longer (and most importantly) healthier lives? This is what the chiropractors at Shasta Spine Chiropractor are saying:

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

The amount of people living longer lives is dramatically increasing! Over 40,000 people last year reached the age of 100 years old. In fact according to recent census projections, by 2050 over one million Americans will be making it to 100 years old! Although good genes do play a considerable role in these statistics, researchers are now starting to believe that chronic illnesses are not a consequence of aging, but often happens more likely from lifestyle choices that we can change! So, the big question: How can we live longer (and most importantly) healthier lives? This is what the chiropractors at Shasta Spine Chiropractor are saying:

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

There are many ways to get your energy back! Studies show that 9 out of 10 people want more energy, but they don’t think they have the time or resources to get it. Want to know a little secret? You have both! Let’s drop the “quick fixes” that only create temporary results. We are thinking long-term here… And it starts with Cortisol.

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

Auto accidents can be extremely stressful physically, mentally and emotionally. Especially in the Shasta Spine area because of the high population! Even if the accident was small and your vehicle only sustained minor damage, your body (most commonly the shoulders and neck) can still suffer debilitating pain. Chiropractic adjustments can be a go-to treatment for an injury sustained in an auto accident and Dr. Samuel Carrino, D.C.

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

There are many ways chiropractic care at Shasta Spine Chiropractor can keep you healthier as you get older. Seniors who are experiencing pain or other problems due to the spine being misaligned benefit most from chiropractic care with Dr. Samuel Carrino. In fact, Chiropractic treatment at Shasta Spine Chiropractor , located in Shasta Spine, is the safest form of treatment, especially compared to alternative treatment options like surgery and drug therapy. The reason being, Chiropractic is a form of holistic medicine, steering clear of the use of drugs as a treatment option. The elderly can achieve great benefits and body function improvement through chiropractic care with Dr. Samuel Carrino. Benefits for seniors can include:

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

Children suffering from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) often have trouble with school and social lives. ADHD children can have a hard time concentrating on lessons and finishing homework. What we find easy, such as listening to someone in class or having a simple conversation, someone with ADHD can find a constant struggle. It may be difficult for them to have chats because they can overwhelmingly talk over you or interrupt. However, successfully managing these symptoms to increase your child’s change of developing basic life skills can significantly improve their life. Here is a list we, at Shasta Spine Chiropractic, have put together of different foods that can help significantly decrease ADHD symptoms.

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Sciatica Treatment in Redding

When summer begins to say farewell, we start to notice how the days get shorter. The sun goes down earlier and without that extra vitamin D, you may be experiencing feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety. Try not to freak out with the loss of sunlight! There are many steps you can take in order to improve your current mood, including reducing depression and improving your mental health without the use of antidepressants. (Always consult with your doctor before taking yourself off of any prescribed medications).

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